Interested in contributing to GHH? Glad you asked.
There are a few basic areas that we could use some further assistance with:
Custom honeypot creation:
At release GHH has seven honeypots available for the community to use. New Google Hacks are being discovered all the time and we are looking for developers to help create, test and submit new honeypots as they are available.
Read up on the “Developer FAQ” and get to know the “User Manual” along with the insides of GHH and how the thing works.
After becoming familiar with GHH feel free to submit custom honeypots directly to the Project Manager, Ryan McGeehan < > for inclusion in the project. You will receive credit for your work and our unyielding admiration.
Feature Feedback
Have ideas about how to improve GHH? We want to know! Using the SourceForge “Feature Request” system you can submit ideas to the team and we can consider them for inclusion in the next release of the project.
Install Guide
Live Demo
Download Honeypots
Download Manual
SF Project Page
Developer FAQ
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Honeynet Alliance
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